Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Ok, first: It was divorce, more on that in a later post, I just want to write about this while I still have this feeling. So recently (about 2 minutes ago actually) I read this article: http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20110201/sc_afp/brazilperunativerights_20110201110827 about this "uncontacted" tribe of people. First emotion: I feel that it's strange that these people have been living like this without any knowledge of the outside, modern world, and that we haven't known about them until these photographs. I feel that it's curious how these humans, creatures of the same species, can be living alone without the rest of the species' knowledge. That doesn't happen with smaller numbers of creatures. I kind of like it though, in a way. It's like they have their own secret existence, with their own rules. I like the idea of this remnant of the past. Which brings me to my second impression: That these people are a link to another forgotten world. Or perhaps not a link, but more like they were accidentally left here when the rest of the world moved on. Or maybe that they started late and haven't caught up to the rest of us. I guess I could think of it as a real life version of those historical sites where they have people dressed like and talking like the people who used to live there. Anyway, I think it's strange that these people have just been living like they always have, and that they haven't gone through their own Enlightenment, or Revolution, or anything like that. Well, not "strange," it makes sense, but maybe "interesting" would be more appropriate. It's amazing that they have just been left to themselves for all this time, as wars and innumerable changes are going on in the big world. This is refreshing. And also a bit mysterious. These tribes are like secret pockets of the past.

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