Sunday, May 16, 2010


ok, so it's Sunday. I got back from church at 12:30-ish. I just finished my English homework and I should do my math but I'll just put it off and do it tomorrow at lunch. I went shopping yesterday and bought 4 shirts, a skirt, and a dress jumper thing. Hang on, I'll find a picture like it. It's like this,, only without the ruffles and folds. By the way, feel free to admire and desire the rest of the clothes on that website. I love all of it. Almost. Anyway, all of the shirts are short-sleeved. Three of the shirts are horizontally striped, because I've been obsessed with the nautical theme lately. All of them are navy and white. There's one with thick stripes, then one with thin, same-size stripes, and the last has thin navy stripes and thick white stripes with a pocket just above the hip with the stripes running vertically. The next shirt is purple with elastic running up the sleeves and a part of the sides. That shirt is the third purple thing in my closet, even though I love the color.
My sister recently got a job at Vanity and now she's always telling me to stop by and buy something. She's been buying some cute stuff from there so I decided I'd check it out online first before I waste the time to drive down there and look through the clothes. But I think I would have wasted less time and seen more if I had driven down there. Their website is soo slooooww. I've been on it for an hour and I've only seen a small part of the tops. Yeah, I know. Ooh, look, the pants page came up! Alright well, from what I've seen (about three pages of tops and pants) most of these clothes don't seem to fit my style. Now, ModCloth, on the other hand... :) I just wish I was a billionare so I could buy all the clothes I want! I'll be rich one day, I know it. ;) ok, I'm kind of done with this post. Not that I couldn't talk about clothes all day! But I have other things I could do. Bye!

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