Friday, August 12, 2011

Movie Review: An Affair to Remember

I just finished watching the aforementioned movie, and I thought I'd like to share my impressions, along with some screen caps.

First, things I want that were shown in the movie.

Her hair piece is wonderful.

This lace head-covering, as worn by an extra.

Wouldn't this be wonderful to sleep in? (re: my past post)

This little boy was absolutely charming, and I want one just like him.  Also, that hat and those goggles are fantastic.

Next: Romantic shots

No captions for that last batch.  Now, observations and random shots.

In this scene, Cary Grant slips up and calls his co-worker by her real name, Debbie, instead of Terry, her character's name.  I wonder if nobody caught it, or if all the other takes were completely horrible, forcing them to use this one.

There were furs on every woman in this theater.

When they find that their dalliance on the boat has been outed.

These last two illustrate the film-makers clever use of reflection to show what the subject is looking at, instead of a quick shot of it.  In the first one, the Empire State Building is reflected in the glass door, in the last one, his painting of her is reflected in the mirror.

I really enjoyed this movie.  I loved the simple romance, the lovely clothes, the resolution.  I applaud the acting of these two; the last scene's dialogue would have been unintelligible without the right tone and delivery.  And in another scene, when they are about to disembark the boat and are evaluating one another's mates, they have a whole conversation with their expressions, and the audience can understand it.  It was a wonderful movie.

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